New user account error message at initial logon?



I have been running Vista Home Premium for several months and am ready to
commit it to "Prime Time". Meaning - add a user account for my wife so she
has a separate e-mail account/folders. As soon as I add a new user and log
into the account a dialog box comes up and says "Error - Program Version is
wrong. Please install again." The message only comes up the first time I
log into the new account after a reboot. It also comes up on the Guest
Account. Help is needed. Any idea on who or what is generating the #$%^

On the Bridge

it must be some startup program Ken... since Vista has no reason to do this

go and download autoruns (from microsoft) and run it as an administrator, by
right clicking on it
go to the LOGON tab and disable all but your antivirus- antispyware stuff

log off and log back on again to the new account.. see if this fixes stuff

please tell me if this helps


Thanks for the information. It was the Auto Firmware Update program that
Samsung loads when you update their DVD drive's firmware. I switched to a
Pioneer drive on this system several months ago and thought I had deleted
all the Samsung stuff. Somehow a piece was lurking and waiting for me to
add a new user!! Anyway, I deleted the the startup program (it only showed
in the new account) and things are OK. Sure would be nice if Samsung could
get their act together and at least give you a hint on who is generating the
error message. Thanks again.


Now I'm getting greedy. The AutoRuns program found several other issues - I
think. There are three driver files that could not be found - nwinkfwd.sys,
nwinkflt.sys and ipinip.sys. These look like Microsoft drivers for XP? Any
Ideas? There is also two somethings in the scheduled tasks that do not have
a Description or Publisher - Gatherewireinfo.vbs and
Gatherwirelessinfor.vbs? Other than the above everything else looks like
it's Microsoft stuff or something I asked for.

On the Bridge

dont disable those...

do some googleing on the subject.. there is a list of items that autruns
show as not found, but you should not remove.. I cant remember which ones
they are but google about this and you will find what I mean...... if you
cant tell me and Ill search

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