New to add-ins


Sharad Naik


Can an add-in be built in VB?
Are there any examples of small add-ins in VB?



Sharad Naik


Many thanks, looks exciting.
I have another question. Do you know any link
to know what all events can be used in add-in, for Outlook 2003?
I want to specifically catch ItemSend event in my add-in, any link
to such examples will be of great help.

Thanks in advance,


Sharad Naik

Sorry, I mixed up, Item send is not the event
I want to catch, it is a different even than I though.
I want to catch the event, when outlook opens a connection to the remote
smtp server.


Sharad Naik said:

Many thanks, looks exciting.
I have another question. Do you know any link
to know what all events can be used in add-in, for Outlook 2003?
I want to specifically catch ItemSend event in my add-in, any link
to such examples will be of great help.

Thanks in advance,


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

That event you can't catch.

For an excellent VB6 COM addin template that shows many common Outlook
solutions and workarounds see ItemsCB on the Resources page at

Sharad Naik

Hello Ken,

Thanks for the response. The link you gave is excellent.

First thing I want to ask, is there a way to digitally sign add-in created
in VB6?
I created a test add-in for outlook and with security level set to High, it
load add-ins which are not digitally singed and trusted. Until now I only
used macros
which can be so easily signed with a digital certificate.

Second thing: there are many antivirus programs like symantec etc., which "I
do catch event when outlook connects to an smtp or pop3 server and proxy for
end servers.
(The reason I believe they catch this event, is that if the smtp or pop3
server is un-reachable,
those antivirus programs just don't come in to picture and keep silence.)

I did lot of web search in past few hours about catching this event but in
I am very qurious how those antivirs folks manage it.



Dmitry Streblechenko

Most likely they are using a layered TCP/IP provider which can intercept
network traffic on the TCP/IP protocol level; this really has nothing to do
with Outlook.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Sharad Naik

Of course you are right. They work for all mail
clients. I just got fulled by the symantec add-in in my outlook, now
I realize it is only for scan on item open.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

To add to what Dmitry said, the way some things like Norton operate is to
replace your account settings with a link to localhost where they install
their own SMTP server and trap the outgoing/incoming mail that way. Once
they finish screwing up the message they then forward to the real servers
from the account properties you originally set up.

I have no problems signing my COM addins created using VB 6. The language is
never an issue. If you create a DLL for a COM addin, or an OCX for a
property page you just use your signing certificate on that. I use a Thawte
code signing certificate and can do that as well as sign my MSI or setup.exe
installation packages.

Sharad Naik

Thanks Ken, I didn't have tools for signing codes in VB.
On MS site I found CAPICOM tool and with it now I am able to sign my add-in.

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