New Style Button



Is there any way to create a new style button, similar to the Currency and
percent Style Buttons?

I have created a date style that I yse regularly and would like a 1 click
access to it.

I know that I can drag tie Format|Style drop list on to my toolbar using
Tools|Customise and have done that, but that is still a two click access to
the style.

I guess that I'm just lazy :)


Jim Rech

First you would have to write a macro that applied the style to your current

Sub ApplyMyStyle()
Selection.Style = "MyStyle" 'sub your style's name
End Sub

and put this in a workbook that is always open, like your Personal.xls.

Then customize a toolbar by adding a Macro toolbutton to it. Then assign
the macro to the new toolbutton.
Jim Rech
Excel MVP

| Is there any way to create a new style button, similar to the Currency and
| percent Style Buttons?
| I have created a date style that I yse regularly and would like a 1 click
| access to it.
| I know that I can drag tie Format|Style drop list on to my toolbar using
| Tools|Customise and have done that, but that is still a two click access
| the style.
| I guess that I'm just lazy :)
| unlikeKansas

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