New Search Engine



I just heard on Fox that MS is fix'n to unleash a new search engine that is
going to put the hurt on all the rest of them.

What is it called and when will it be turned loose?

Jose Francisco

Greetings Haus,

I'm not so sure about Microsoft working on a new search engine. I heard they
were doing some work and research on a new application that allows you to
search stuff faster on your pc (just a hint :p)

Thanks and best of luck!

Ken Blake

Haus said:
I just heard on Fox that MS is fix'n to unleash a new search engine
that is going to put the hurt on all the rest of them.

What is it called and when will it be turned loose?

It's called MSN Search, and it already exists.

It's not bad, but so far I still prefer Google.


Thanks Ken
I know about that one, the comment they made on Fox lead me to think that it
wasn't released yet.
Guess I need to learn to listen better.

Ken Blake

Haus said:
Thanks Ken
I know about that one, the comment they made on Fox lead me to think
that it wasn't released yet.
Guess I need to learn to listen better.

You're welcome.


Better yet, read the newspapers. This was covered
rather well in the business section of the local paper.
TV is an entertainment media.....

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