new problem after "netsh winsock reset"



I was able to restart my Windows Firewall after running
the command "netsh winsock reset". However, I noticed
when I go to my network connections, the word "firewalled"
no longer appears after each connection name. According
to the Security Settings page, the Firewall is "on".
Before installing MS AntiSpyare, Firewall was always "on"
AND each active network connection had the
word "firewalled" after it. Is everything okay?

The Unknown P

Many firewall issues. I rather suspect they are looking
into this one as a priority. It's been a couple of days so
be sure you have installed the "Updates". TTFN.

Jerry Ham \(433588\)

Open the Windows Firewall control panel applet, go to the Advanced tab and
put check marks next to the adapters on which you want the firewall to be



I've actually checked that and there are check marks next
to each network connection adapter. But still, each
connection does not have the status say "firewalled".
Any thoughts? It doesn't seem right.


Problem solved. When you access the Windows Firewall
applet and go to the advanced tab, all devices are
checked. I unchecked them and closed out of the applet.
Then, I went back in and rechecked each device and closed
out again. Now, all my checked devices are listed
as "firewalled" under the View Network Connections
screen. This seems strange but it worked. Seems like a
minor bug to me.

Bill Sanderson

Thanks for posting this resolution. Another participant, early in the beta
attempted to describe this to me, and I never "got it."

This is very clear, and it will enable me to tell others how to clear this
appearance up.

Kent W. England

Todd wrote on 14-Jan-2005 3:00 PM:
Problem solved. When you access the Windows Firewall
applet and go to the advanced tab, all devices are
checked. I unchecked them and closed out of the applet.
Then, I went back in and rechecked each device and closed
out again. Now, all my checked devices are listed
as "firewalled" under the View Network Connections
screen. This seems strange but it worked. Seems like a
minor bug to me.

"netsh winsock reset" apparently doesn't restore all the registry keys
that could be missing. Good catch.

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