New Game -- Help Requested


Alex Pierson

Hello Everyone,

I need some help.

I am an amateur programmer and have an idea for a new game.
Please forgive my naive

While it is not necessary to describe all of the details of the game,
here are the key points.

1. The game will be played over the internet.
2. It will be a board-type game without a lot of fancy graphics (i.e.
no 3D).
3. Each player download software to use for the game.
4. The client software will be a application.
5. A game will consist of up to 30 players playing on the same table
6. It will be a turned-based game.
7. Multiple games can be run simultaneously.
8. Clients will send data to the server and the server will then
process that information and send information back to the relevant
9. The game needs to be scalable so that up to 20,000 players can
play (in different games) simultaneously.

This is what I'd like to know -- I know so little that I just need to
know where to start and what I need to learn about:

A. What elements of do I need to become familiar with to do
this game?
B. What will be the best way to make the connection between the
various clients and the server (sockets, xml, etc.)?
C. What are the keys to making it scalable?
D. Can turn-based games (poker is an example) be built using
substantially database driven procedures or would this be inefficient?

Those are the main questions I have. This is a long term project and
want to get started in the right direction so any help that can be
provided would be very much appreciated.

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