Networking problem



Recently I spent over 4 hours on the phone with Microsoft trying to figure
out why my wirless desktop unit is unable to be seen by my wired network. We
were unable to come to a soulution. Now a friend of a friend took a look at
it it by remote and told me that the problem wasn't the Norton programs
(which are grievous at best) but it had to do with the oprating system
itself. He went on to tell me that XP Home's ability is limited as compared
to XP Pro which is not limited by some sort of restriction. The network is
set up this way. There are 5 wired computers between 2 routers. One line has
a VOIP line on it for the telephone. The two routers are configured so that
one works regularly as a router and the other works as an access point.
(linksys routers)
Now the wireless desktop unit downstairs can see the network and is able to
get in and out of any of the wired computers but the wired units see the
wireless desktop and are unable to gain access to it . The way this is
working right now only serves half of the reason it was set up to be. What I
am wanting to know is if there is a way to work around this and get the
system to get past that limitation? The router is a Linksys wireless-G with
speed booster and the corresponding adaptor in the computer. ALL systems are
running XP Home with SP2 any assistance I can get without somebody telling
me to go buy $1200 of XP Pro would be appreciated.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

Recently I spent over 4 hours on the phone with Microsoft trying to figure
out why my wirless desktop unit is unable to be seen by my wired network. We
were unable to come to a soulution. Now a friend of a friend took a look at
it it by remote and told me that the problem wasn't the Norton programs
(which are grievous at best) but it had to do with the oprating system
itself. He went on to tell me that XP Home's ability is limited as compared
to XP Pro which is not limited by some sort of restriction. The network is
set up this way. There are 5 wired computers between 2 routers. One line has
a VOIP line on it for the telephone. The two routers are configured so that
one works regularly as a router and the other works as an access point.
(linksys routers)
Now the wireless desktop unit downstairs can see the network and is able to
get in and out of any of the wired computers but the wired units see the
wireless desktop and are unable to gain access to it . The way this is
working right now only serves half of the reason it was set up to be. What I
am wanting to know is if there is a way to work around this and get the
system to get past that limitation? The router is a Linksys wireless-G with
speed booster and the corresponding adaptor in the computer. ALL systems are
running XP Home with SP2 any assistance I can get without somebody telling
me to go buy $1200 of XP Pro would be appreciated.

Norton programs often cause problems in accessing computers over a
network. Norton's personal firewall has to be configured exactly
right. Recent versions of Norton's antivirus program have firewall
functions built in (Internet worm protection).

There's no difference in the way that XP Home and XP Pro access other
computers over a network. I don't think that changing any or all of
the computers to XP Pro would help. Can your friend describe a
specific limitation in XP Home that applies to your network?

What do you mean when you say that "the wired units see the wireless
desktop and are unable to gain access to it "? How are they seeing
it? How are they trying to gain access to it? What exactly happens
when they try to gain access to it? If there's an error message, what
does it say? The answers to those questions should indicate a
specific solution to the problem.

What things did Microsoft have you try?
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Two possible issues here:

The router might be set to segregate the networks.

The wireless cards might not have File and Printer Sharing bound to them.
(ticked) It's standard practice NOT to enable sharing over wireless, since
if WPA is not in use, then this represents very poor security.
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Does not XP home only use the guest account to access shares? if that account is disabled will that not show up as the network not accessible? XP home does not have all of the security features of PRO and therefore is much harder to troubleshoot network/security issues . . .
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
LM if all else fails . . .

OK, down and dirty . . . try and edit the HOSTS file with IP address and COMPUTER NAME. Then try net view \\computer name from command prompt and see if error 53 has gone. If you get no error and you have a list of shares available, try in the browser window . . .

worked for me!

BTW \\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


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