Networking issues with A7N8X Deluxe



Whenever I log on, I have to wait about 90 seconds for the
'Restoring network connections...' message to disappear, as
for some reason XP cannot restore the connection to my
router. Repairing the connection won't work, as XP can't
flush the ARP cache, or renew the IP address, but if I go
through the Networking Wizard, and choose to connect
through a residential gateway, it reconfigures my NVIDIA
NIC in no time flat, and it's working again.

Obviously this is a workaround, but it adds a lot of time
to my boot sequence, and I'd feel better if I could resolve
the problem.

My hardware is as follows:
A7N8X Deluxe Rev 1.04 nForce2 motherboard
Athlon XP 2200+ @ stock speed
2x256MB Samsung Original Dual Channel
Onboard Soundstorm
Onboard NVIDIA NIC (Onboard 3COM NIC is disabled, but had
the same problem)

I think that's all of the information you need, if not,
just ask :)

Thanks a lot.
Richard Hodgson

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

I have the same M/B with the same revision number. I also have the 3Com NIC
disabled in the bios.

I am connected through a Linksys router. I have not had any problems at all.
I suggest you try to connect to the DSL while bypassing the router (have a
good firewall installed first though). See if when you boot up everything is
OK. If so, dump your present router or go to the manufacturers news groups
for your router model!

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