Network User Limits



We just upgraded from Office Professional 2000 to 2003 and it appears we see
an error message trying to get into Access. The database is on a new desktop
and we have about 10 to 12 people trying to gain access from their PC's. We
see an error stating the maxium users have been reached, (Or something like
that.) Is there a limit? CAn the limit be changed.


Access has a theoritical limit of 255 users; however 20 to 50 is really more
like it. 10 to 12 people should not run into this limit. Does the database
file end in .MDB or .MDE?

If not it could be the SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine which was previously
called the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE). I believe that it has a limit of 5
concurrent users. It can be changed buy spending loads of money to upsize to
SQL Server.

Now if you are trying to run an office off of one copy of Access, that could
also be the problem. Each person needs a copy of Access or you need to invest
into the Developers edition of Access so that you can create run-time

Then there might be the network limitations of putting a database on one PC
instead of an actual server. If you are running a peer-to-peer network, it
might be overtaxed.

Albert D.Kallal

Windows XP home, and windows XP professional have ALWAYS been limited to 10
connections via network file sharing.

If you need more connections, you either have to have a server based edition
of windows (win 2000 server, or win2003 server).

Another workaround is as mentioned to use the express edition of sql server.

It is important to note that your upgrade to office 2003 HAS NOTHING TO DO
WITH these limitations. THEY WERE NOT changed from office 2000 to 2003. This
is strictly a OS issue...and not that of office.

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