"network connections" help



In the help screen for the control panel icon "network
connections" the instructions say to select the
connection then go to "network tasks". I use Windows XP
and nowhere can I find "network tasks". This is not the
first time I have come across an inconsistency in XP's
actual performance and it's "help" application. Can
anyone enlighten me on how to work with the "network
connections"? I use Outlook for my email. Recently I have
gone from dial up to DSL. Every time I click on
send/receive I get the dial up window. I don't need it.
How do I get rid of it?

Graham Tavener

You need to tell Outlook and Internet Explorer that they should use the LAN
rather than a dialup connection.
You can set this in the Internet Options. You can get to this window from
either of the following...

a) Outlook Express - Tools > Options > Connection Tab > Change Internet
b) Internet Explorer - Tools > Internet Options > Connections Tab
c) Start Menu > Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections Tab

When there you should see a list of any dialup connections you have
configured and underneath are radio buttons. Make sure that the 'Never dial
a connection' is selected. You only have to change this once and all the
applications use the new settings.

Now Internet Explorer and Outlook Express will not try and dial a



Thanks for your help. I applied b) and c) without a
problem. However, a) does not apply to Outlook. I don't
have Outlook Express. In Outlook the options window does
not have a Connection Tab. I played around a little and
couldn't find anything close. Do you have another

Ken Wickes [MSFT]

You are missing "common tasks", because "Show Common tasks in folders" is
not selected in your tools/folders options.

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