Netsh program and Restricted User Account



I posted the following in the Windows XP networking Discussion group and I
was referred to this group as to a possible solution:

We have a user with an XP Laptop which needs to connect to 2
different networks (2 seperate locations). I have created the
batch files to do the Netsh commands and all works fine when running the
batch files as an Administrator user.

The problem is the user is restricted on the laptop (no administration
rights) and when running the batch file I'm receiving an "Access Denied"
error message. The user has full rights to the 2 batch files and also the
Netsh command. What other file(s) does this command affect ?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Paul Mckenna


If you make them members of the 'Network Configuration Operators' group they
will be able to change network settings.
This may be more access than you want them to have a description of the
group is here.

Hope this helps.

Paul Mckenna



Once membership was granted to the Network Configuration Operators group the
batch files ran just fine!

Thank you for your help!

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