netmeeting missing



tried reinstalling netmeeting, went to control
panel, "show hidden files" , unchecked "hide protected os
files. also unchecked :hide extensions for known file
types. No msnnetmtg.inf file in C drive. Need help

Rob Schneider

Did you just try running "conf.exe" which is provided in XP, but they
didn't provide a short-cut to it. It's Netmeeting.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



tried conf.exe and system freezes
-----Original Message-----
Did you just try running "conf.exe" which is provided in XP, but they
didn't provide a short-cut to it. It's Netmeeting.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



Rob Schneider

Probably due to problems caused when you erroneously "re-installed".
From info provided, can't say anymore. Sorry.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



searched for netmeeting and found 2 files in c drive one
in "doc and settings" and other in "program files" any
idea or maybe i should delet these and do a repair with
xp pro disk ?

Rob Schneider

Don't know, especially since the file name for NetMeeting is "conf.exe"
and not called "netmeeting". Haven't a clue what the files you found
are. Sorry.

I understand, but am not completely sure how this is enforced, that it
is impossible to un-install the built-in copy of NetMeeting.

Whatever you installed ... can you remove it via normal methods for
un-installing software via the Control Panel applicatoin and hope that
the built-in NetMeeting stays? Can you do a system restore from back
before installing whatever you installed? I don't really know if a
repair will fix anything.

I don't really know enough about what you did to know what to advise.
Netmeeting is built into XP, so no reason to install anything anyway.

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