net sharing



I posted this message(below) a couple of days ago...I guess I did not explain
too clearly....i know how to access the properties window with the sharing
files...On this one computer...I do not see the middle section to access the
internet sharing section....How do I get this to view...hope this is more
clearly written. thank you

I have windows xp home,sorry do not know version...I need to go to the
properties and access the internet connection sharing window.....when I do
that, I only can get the firewall part and not the sharing for the can I rectifiy this...thank you

Al Romanosky

Replied to your original post - however I probably was not clear in my
recommendation. Will try again: You are checking the properties of the
connection used for connecting to the internet. Depending on the type of
connection e.g. broadband, cable, etc., clicking the advanced tab refers to
the firewall.
You need to bring up properties of the network connection (not internet)
as follows: Control panel>Network connections> right click the network
connection - usually labeled "local connection">Properties>Advanced tab to
access ICS settings. ICS.

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