.NET Remoting Server URL


Any old Joe

I have got this running OK - I create a virtual directory with a bin folder
in it where I keep the service's exe. Providing the vdir has a valid
web.config in it then the two services seem to run fine using the same exe
file to serve both sorts of requests. I hope that helps...

Donald Xie

Thanks for the reply. I've tried your approach, but still
get "requested service not found" error. My setup is

vroot: .exe and .exe.config
vroot\bin: web.config which is identical to .exe.config
vroot is created on IIS.

The Windows Service starts at vroot, but I can only
connect to the server through
http://server:port/myservice.soap, not
http://server:port/vroot/myservice.soap. I'm sure I've
missed something simple, where should I look?

Thanks again,
Donald Xie

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