.net objects to javascript?


Alex D.

is there any way to automatically convert .net objects to javascripts
objects? for example to send the bussiness logic to the browser and this way
reduce the postbacks to the server? I think it would be nice to have the
ability in Visual Studio to switch a class or object between server-side and
client-side...something to think about?


Alex D.

yes I already knew about ajax, but didnt know about json so I am going to
google it. ajax is still too complex and its going to take me too much time
to do it that way. what I really need is somebody to do it for me :) but is
not a bad idea to have that ability in VS in the future, dont you agree?


Edwin Knoppert

It's most unlikely MS will follow your suggestion.
Imo it will continue the AJAX/ATLAS stuff and will most likely force every
user to run some activex (xmlhttprequest stuff).
Currently IE6 will popup an AX warning, for security reasons i have AX
turned off.
Bad approach to wait so long with this special object (being circumvented as
ordinary AX object).

ActiveX is bad, internally handled AX objects would do fine.
Opera does that, no support for AX, but supports a few ax components.

Alex D.

I think it might not be so hard to do that or something similar..perhaps
providing the IE of some comunication with the .net framework so it can
handle .net objects...security would still be an issue if not done properly
like ActiveX I guess..


Edwin Knoppert

The idea is that a few objects should be handled internally.
Like the xmlhttprequest object.
In current MS explorer's it's not embedded.
So to being protected by excluding AX *but* have access to a few (protected)
AX objects is most likely in MSIE 7.0
MS does not care to embed such stuff in earlier versions, this way MS keeps
forcing users to download the latest.
Users are not always happy to install new stuff.
More and more apps are dumped on the market with hidden connectionstuff, i
mean, what will be the next negative side-effect of this browser?
Another security breach?
Companies having software with connections without asking should be sued to
the bottom .
Or like MSIE, having a startpage you can almost not avoid on first run, that
sort of things.

Oh well, not related to this topic.

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