.net FrameWork 1.1



I have two computers both running Windows XP Professional. The computer on
which I have Vs.Net 2003 has Framework 1.1 installed which is listed as
1.050.00mb. On the other computer, Framework 1.1 is installed and listed as
only 36.14mb. Why the difference. I do note that some applications do not
work on the one with 36.14mb sized Framework 1.1.


The frameword redistributale is 23.1 MB. The framework 1.1 SP1 is 10.3 MB for
the installation package

Have I misunderstood your question?

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

VS.NET normally installs the Framework SDK, which includes a number of tools
for creating .NET application.

The second computer sounds like it only has the Framework runtime
(redistributable) installed.

It sounds like the first machine is reporting .NET, the SDK & VS.NET, while
the second machine is reporting only the runtime.

I do note that some applications do not
work on the one with 36.14mb sized Framework 1.1.

How specifically do they not work? It may be a configuration (your app) or
security thing, rather then Framework itself per se...

Hope this helps


Jay, the following code runs on both computers but on my computer (Comp1)
with Vs.Net installed, I get all the drives including any mapped drives in
the array dr and all the shared folders on my network in the sdr array.
However, when I run this on my computer (Comp2) that only has the
redistributable Framework 1.1, I only get the Root Drive "c:" returned in dr
and nothing in sdr. On Comp2, I have my hard drive partitioned into two
drives but I stll only get the "c:" returned in dr and not the partitioned.
Any ideas as to why does this works on Comp1 and not Comp2?

Note that I have shared folders on both computers and drives mapped from
each to the other.

'This Gets all Drives including Mapped Drives on Comp1 but only "c:" on Comp2
Dim dr() As String
Dim i, k, j As Integer
Dim id As String
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM _
Win32_LogicalDisk") 'for logical Disks
Dim ManObjOp As ManagementObject
i = searcher.Get.Count
If searcher.Get.Count > 1 Then
ReDim dr(i - 1)
For Each ManObjOp In searcher.Get
dr(k) = (ManObjOp("DeviceID").ToString)
end if

'This gets all Shared Drives and Folders ok on Comp1 but nothing on Comp2
Dim sdr() as string
Dim o As IWshNetwork2 = CType(CreateObject("WScript.Network"), _ IWshNetwork2)
Dim odrives As WshCollection = CType(o.EnumNetworkDrives, WshCollection)
If odrives.Count > 0 Then
ReDim sdr(CInt(odrives.Count / 2))
For i = 0 To odrives.Count - 1 Step 2
sdr(i) = odrives.Item(i + 1).ToString.ToLower
end if

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

This sounds like a WMI problem & not a .NET problem per se.

As WMI & WScript.Network are returning the results to you.

The following KB article sounds like your problem:


At least the "connected" part of the problem...

You may want to try the WScript.Network logic in a VBScript file to see if
you get the same results. If you get the same results then you know its not
a Framework problem!

Hope this helps

Dennis said:
Jay, the following code runs on both computers but on my computer (Comp1)
with Vs.Net installed, I get all the drives including any mapped drives in
the array dr and all the shared folders on my network in the sdr array.
However, when I run this on my computer (Comp2) that only has the
redistributable Framework 1.1, I only get the Root Drive "c:" returned in
and nothing in sdr. On Comp2, I have my hard drive partitioned into two
drives but I stll only get the "c:" returned in dr and not the
Any ideas as to why does this works on Comp1 and not Comp2?

Note that I have shared folders on both computers and drives mapped from
each to the other.

'This Gets all Drives including Mapped Drives on Comp1 but only "c:" on
Dim dr() As String
Dim i, k, j As Integer
Dim id As String
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM _
Win32_LogicalDisk") 'for logical Disks
Dim ManObjOp As ManagementObject
i = searcher.Get.Count
If searcher.Get.Count > 1 Then
ReDim dr(i - 1)
For Each ManObjOp In searcher.Get
dr(k) = (ManObjOp("DeviceID").ToString)
end if

'This gets all Shared Drives and Folders ok on Comp1 but nothing on Comp2
Dim sdr() as string
Dim o As IWshNetwork2 = CType(CreateObject("WScript.Network"), _
Dim odrives As WshCollection = CType(o.EnumNetworkDrives, WshCollection)
If odrives.Count > 0 Then
ReDim sdr(CInt(odrives.Count / 2))
For i = 0 To odrives.Count - 1 Step 2
sdr(i) = odrives.Item(i + 1).ToString.ToLower
end if

Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

you get the same results. If you get the same results then you know its
not a Framework problem!
The same results as the .NET on comp2 is giving that is :)


Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]

I should add that microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.wmi might be a better
newsgroup to ask about the first problem. Again I suspect it is a "problem"
with WMI, at least your expectations of what WMI should & should not return,
rather then the framework itself.

Unfortunately I WScript & WMI so little I'm not much more help.

Hope this helps


Thanks Jay. What I'm really trying to do is get a listing of all Drives
including mapped drives as well as any Network Shared Folders or Shared
Drives. I'll check the newsgroup you suggested and look at some API's as
well. The System.IO.Directory.GetLogicalDrives does at least return all
Drives including the Mapped ones and I can get the Drive Type from the
GetDriveTypeA API.

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