.NET C# service error 1053, service could not start in timely fash



I am developing a service which I install and run on a number of servers. It
works on most machines I have installed it on, but I always get a 1053,
service will not start in a timely fashion message on one server.

I have reduced the code to almost nothing so as to remove almost all the
proper code.

My main function looks like this

static void Main()
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
ServicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] { new
TigerPrintService() };

My OnStart() is blank at the moment.

My TigerPrintService() constructor is currently empty also.

I can install the service but when I go to the service manager to start it I
get the 1053 error.

And since my OnStart() method is now empty I am at a loss as to what might
be causing this problem. As it seems to me it cannot be to do with

By the way when I install the service I am currently doing so using the
local system login.

Many thanks for any thoughts or suggestions as to what might be causing this

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Raghavendra,

Any progress on this issue or have you resolved it? If you have any other
problems, please feel free to post here or in the C# or other service
related newsgroups. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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