.NET 2.0: <img...> not displayed



(sorry for my English...)
Could you help me please with one asp.net problem? I am beginner...

I am writting simple Demo .NET application. On start page I have:

<h1>Demo .NET</h1>
<br />
<p style="vertical-align: middle;">
<img src="App_Data/DotNet_360x280.jpeg" alt="Microsoft .NET
version 2.0" width="360" height="280"
<br />

I don't understand why when I run the application image
DotNet_360x280.jpeg is not shown (frame only).
When I have written URL of the picture
(.../App_Data/DotNet_360x280.jpeg) in the browser I receive HTTP error
403 - Forbidden.
JPEG file exists in App_Data folder.
How to solve the problem? The HTML text is displayed correctly.

Thank you very much for your answers.


APP_Data folder is sacred folder which framework does not allow direct
access to. You need to move the image to some other place.

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