.NET 2.0 and namespaces in web apps



I was reading "Rick Strahl's WebLog" and he mentions that in .net 2.0 web
apps, there are no namespaces (I verified this by creating simple web app).

I converted a VS 2003 web app that had namespaces and the VS 2005 still has
them in there. Should I remove them?

I'm also having an issue dynamically loading user controls and think it
might have to do with the use of namespaces.




Thanks for the link. This reiterated the proper use of doing a LoadControl.
Specifically, it indicates that the "Reference Control" directive should be
used. When I use just this directive, I still get my exceptions, but only
sporatically (can't figure out why they start). If I add an additional
"Register" directive (by dragging the control to the page, then deleting it
so that the directive has the correct syntax), then my problem appears to go
away for good. Hum... It is most confusing since I have other pages that
only have the Reference directive and they appear to work fine. I've seen
stuff about cleaning up the .NET cache and restarting IIS. I've tried that,
but without the Register, it seems to come back after a bit.


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