Need VBScript to change screen resolution


Michael Giroux

I share a system with my father. When he logs in, he changes display
resolution to 800x600. When I'm logged in, I use 1024x768. I would like to
automate this with a VBScript, but I cannot find docs on the automation
interface for the video.

Can someone point me to the docs?

Michael Giroux


Get Multires from:

and make a batch file 800x600.bat with the command
multires.exe /1:800,600,32,75

Drop a shortcut to this batch file or the file itself in your fathers
Startup folder such as:
C:\Documents and Settings\father\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Do the same for yourself with desired resolution parameters.


George Ellis

The other post has probably the simpliest solution. Otherwise, it would
involve using WMI and Put statements, but I do not know if it can be done
that way. There is a standard API set for changing the resolutions on the
fly, but they are not exposed to the scripting host that I know of. You may
be able to find more at Clarence Washington's Win32Scripting site (link
found via Google/Dogpile)

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