need to fix file title in macro



I have the following macro created which allows the user select a fil
from which a worksheet is copied in to the 'report' sheet of th
macro-containing file. The problem is the following macro only run
when the file is 'international breakdown month.xls' because that i
how it is written in the macro. (noted in blue below) However, I nee
this macro to still be able to run if the file name were to change.
For example if in the month of June, it was saved as 'internationa
breakdown june.xls'. Is there a way to correct this macro so that th
macro copies the worksheet in to 'report' of whatever curren
'international breakdown XXXX' file is open?

Sub GenerateReport()

' Open file
Dim myFile
Dim myFileName As String
myFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("All Files,*.*")
If myFile = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
Workbooks.Open FileName:=myFile
myFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

' Select cells to copy
Dim myInputRange As String
myInputRange = Range("A1:AG10000").Select

' Paste range to master sheet
("International Breakdown Month.xls")
Application.CutCopyMode = False

' Close file you opened
Windows(myFileName).Close False

End Sub[/COLOR

Anders Silven

One way,


From Excel Help: ThisWorkbook returns a Workbook object that represents the
workbook where the current macro code is running. Read-only.

Anders Silven

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