Need to find named ranges in Excel


Andy S.

I'm trying to write an activex script to read in all the named ranges that
end with a $ in an Excel workbook from a DTS package. I've gotten as far as
grabbing the filename of the excel file. I've been trying to find an answer
without much luck, does anyone have any suggestions?


Andy S.
(e-mail address removed)

Please remove "noreply" before replying.


Norman Jones

Hi Andy,

You do not need code to find ranges ending with the $ character: there are

The $ character is not legal in Excel names.

Assuming, however, that the $ character was merely an example, try something

Public Sub TestNames()

Dim Nme As Name
Const LastLetter As String = "D"

For Each Nme In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If UCase(Right(Nme.Name, 1)) = LastLetter Then
MsgBox Nme.Name
End If

End Sub

Andy S.

Thanks, that definitely will get me started. $ is what DTS Designer shows
for named ranges that are the worksheet name when you try to import from a
worksheet. I thought they'd be the same for activex script, but I was

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