Need report to show totals and percentages



I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query that
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report are
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need the
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field Outcome
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the percentage
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would greatly
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in Access

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural support
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and neglect."
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to share
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,




You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date range
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber. To
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no' rows
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which evaluates
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the Outcome
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the query
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural support
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and neglect."
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to share
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd group
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the above
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in the
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

CEV said:
I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query that
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report are
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need the
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field Outcome
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the percentage
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would greatly
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in Access

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural support
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and neglect."
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to share
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,



kingston via

If your query returns all the records you need, create a totals query based
on it. Group by OutcomeNumber and Outcome, and count on the field Outcome.
Use this query for your report and add a field that divides the count by the
total number of answers for a given Outcome. Display this as a percentage or
multiply by 100.

Denominator=DCount("[Outcome]","[YourQuery]","[OutcomeNumber]=" &

You can do the same thing for OutcomeSupports. hth
I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query that
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report are
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need the
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field Outcome
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the percentage
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would greatly
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in Access

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural support
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and neglect."
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to share
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,



Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with this
query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I need. I
left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and it is
looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it and I'm
thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not a Boolean
data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one additional
option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering if that part of
the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest of
the query looked like.

Thank You,


Ken Sheridan said:

You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in the
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

CEV said:
I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,




Well, that is obliously not correct since it does not work. I'm not sure how
else I would write it.



CEV said:
Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with
this query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I
need. I left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and
it is looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it
and I'm thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not
a Boolean data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one
additional option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering if
that part of the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest
of the query looked like.

Thank You,


Ken Sheridan said:

You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in the
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

CEV said:
I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,



John Spencer

Sum(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

If tblOutcomes.Outcome is a text field that has a value of "Yes", "No",
or "RNC" then you could use something like the following to Count Yes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,NuLL))/ Count(Outcome) as YesPercent

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with this
query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I need. I
left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and it is
looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it and I'm
thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not a Boolean
data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one additional
option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering if that part of
the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest of
the query looked like.

Thank You,


Ken Sheridan said:

You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in the
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

CEV said:
I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,




The problem is that I also need to count how many "No" and how many "RNC"
there are and this is not working either. I would think there has to be a
way but the suggestions I'm getting so far are not working. Please keep them

Thank You,


John Spencer said:
Sum(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

If tblOutcomes.Outcome is a text field that has a value of "Yes", "No", or
"RNC" then you could use something like the following to Count Yes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,NuLL))/ Count(Outcome) as YesPercent

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with
this query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I
need. I left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and
it is looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it
and I'm thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not
a Boolean data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one
additional option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering
if that part of the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest
of the query looked like.

Thank You,


Ken Sheridan said:

You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,




I think I may of just got it. I entered the following and I get no errors.
I'll need to manualy check the numbers to see if they match but so far it is
looking good. I'll post back when I have confirmed.

count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3))/COUNT(*))*100 AS



John Spencer said:
Sum(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

If tblOutcomes.Outcome is a text field that has a value of "Yes", "No", or
"RNC" then you could use something like the following to Count Yes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,NuLL))/ Count(Outcome) as YesPercent

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with
this query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I
need. I left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and
it is looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it
and I'm thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not
a Boolean data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one
additional option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering
if that part of the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest
of the query looked like.

Thank You,


Ken Sheridan said:

You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,



John Spencer

For safety's sake, I would add the third argument to the IIF statements.
However, you are probably all right doing it as you have done it.

Count(IIF(TblOutcomes.Outcome ="Yes",1,NULL)) as YesOutcomeCount

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

I think I may of just got it. I entered the following and I get no errors.
I'll need to manualy check the numbers to see if they match but so far it is
looking good. I'll post back when I have confirmed.

count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3))/COUNT(*))*100 AS



John Spencer said:
Sum(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

If tblOutcomes.Outcome is a text field that has a value of "Yes", "No", or
"RNC" then you could use something like the following to Count Yes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,NuLL))/ Count(Outcome) as YesPercent

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with
this query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I
need. I left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and
it is looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it
and I'm thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not
a Boolean data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one
additional option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering
if that part of the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest
of the query looked like.

Thank You,



You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,



Michael Gramelspacher

count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
or maybe this:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1,0))/COUNT(*)*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",1,0)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",1,0))/COUNT(*)*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",1,0)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",1,0))/COUNT(*)*100 AS


My guess would be that the columns are not of Boolean data type, but text.
You'll note that my reply assumed the former.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

CEV said:
Well, that is obliously not correct since it does not work. I'm not sure how
else I would write it.



CEV said:
Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with
this query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I
need. I left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates and
it is looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue with it
and I'm thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome field is not
a Boolean data type, but a text type. The reason is that there is one
additional option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I am wondering if
that part of the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the rest
of the query looked like.

Thank You,


Ken Sheridan said:

You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the SELECT
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by OutcomeNumber.
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are the
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible health."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in the
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in your
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a report
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I need
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are

Thank You,




This has worked for me so far. I greatly appreciate everyones input. This
learning experience will benefit me in another database I have for turnover.
I also need to do calculations in that one. I have still not figured out how
the arguments determine the outcome of the query yet but am hoping to get
that soon so I can understand it.



CEV said:
I think I may of just got it. I entered the following and I get no errors.
I'll need to manualy check the numbers to see if they match but so far it
is looking good. I'll post back when I have confirmed.

count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="Yes",1))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="No",0))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(count(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome="RNC",3))/COUNT(*))*100 AS



John Spencer said:
Sum(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

If tblOutcomes.Outcome is a text field that has a value of "Yes", "No",
or "RNC" then you could use something like the following to Count Yes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,Null)) as CountYes

Count(IIF(Outcome="Yes",1,NuLL))/ Count(Outcome) as YesPercent

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thank you very much Ken for the fast reply. I am currently playing with
this query before using it in a report to be sure I am getting what I
need. I left the DateOfPlan in there so I can select a range of dates
and it is looking like it works. I am currently having only one issue
with it and I'm thinking it should be simple, hopefully. The Outcome
field is not a Boolean data type, but a text type. The reason is that
there is one additional option besides Yes and No and that is RNC. So I
am wondering if that part of the query would look like the following?:

SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,Yes,No,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,No,Yes,RNC))/COUNT(*))*100 AS
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No)) AS RNCOutcomeCount,
(SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,RNC,Yes,No))/COUNT(*))*100 AS

I'm sorry if this is not even close but I was just going by what the
rest of the query looked like.

Thank You,



You can do the aggregation either in the query or in the report itself,
using your current query as it stands.

To do it in the query first remove the DateOfPlan column from the
clause as its purely needed to restrict the rows returned to the date
defined in the form', and you'll be grouping the query by
OutcomeNumber. To
count all rows per group use the COUNT function, to count 'yes' or 'no'
use the SUM function to sum the return value of an expression which
to 1 or 0 depending on the value in the column. The percentages are
ratio of the each of the latter to the total count. I'm assuming the
and OutcomeSupports columns are of Boolean (Yes/no) data type. So the
would go like this:

SELECT tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
COUNT(*) AS TotalCount,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeCount,
AS YesOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.Outcome,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeCount,
AS NoOutcomePercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,1,0)) AS YesOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS YesOutcomeSupportsPercentage,
SUM(IIF(tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports,0,1)) AS NoOutcomeSupportsCount,
AS NoOutcomeSupportsPercentage
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social Security
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are safe."
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People are
GROUP BY tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber;

You can then base the report on the above query.

To use your original query and do the aggregations in the report you'd
the report on OutcomeNumber and use similar expressions to those in the
query as the ControlSource properties of unbound text box controls in
group footer.

You might find the SQL for the query above is broken up somewhat in
newsreader. It should work fine nevertheless.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I am not sure how to get the numbers I am looking for. I have a query
shows all the records I need totals for. The numbers I need on a
report are
the total number of records entered for each OutcomeNumber. Then I
need the
total number of "Yes" and "No" for each OutcomeNumber in the field
and also in the field OutcomeSupports. Finally I need to show the
of Yes's and No's for each. I have listed my query below and would
appreciate help with this as I have never worked with calculations in

SELECT tblOutcomes.DateofPlan, tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber,
tblOutcomes.Outcome, tblOutcomes.OutcomeSupports
FROM Individuals INNER JOIN tblOutcomes ON Individuals.[Social
Number] = tblOutcomes.SSAN
WHERE (((tblOutcomes.DateofPlan) Between
[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboBeginDate] And
DateAdd("s",86399,[Forms]![frmIndOutcomesReport]![cboEndDate])) AND
((tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O01 - People are connected to natural
networks." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O02 - People have intimate
relationships." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O03 - People are
safe." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O04 - People have the best possible
health." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O05 - People exercise rights." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O06 - People are treated fairly." Or
(tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O07 - People are free from abuse and
Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O08 - People experience continuity and
security." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O09 - People decide when to
personal information." Or (tblOutcomes.OutcomeNumber)="O10 - People

Thank You,

