Need more than AntySpw.exe?


Dave Bell

Does a user need more than the MicrosoftAntiSpywareInstall.exe executable
to install and do a first pass sweep?

That is, if someone is having trouble connecting...dialup is acting slow,
would putting this executable on a CD and running it install all necessary
components, or does it all need to be done through the online process with
ActiveX controls etc?

2nd Question, is there a more complete FAQ than the one at ?


Bill Sanderson

The download has everything that is necessary for the installation on the
supported platforms. There is normally no necessity for a large download or
other Internet contact to do the things you mention.

However, although for a period of the beta they were providing downloads
with updated signatures regularly, it is not apparent that this is still
happening--the stated date of the signatures included in the download is
5687, February 10, 2005.

So--if you scan without updating the signatures, you will lose the benefit
of the changes in the period between February 10th and the current
definitions, which are 5703 (they increment by twos.)

Working with an infested machine, I think I'd ignore the update
issue--install the product in normal mode, restart in safe mode, set
scanning to full, deep, and all drives, and get the machine cleaned up.
Once that's happened, restart normally and update the definitions and scan

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