Need macro button to view a directory with windows explorer




I need help creating the code for a macro
button on a form that will open a file
directory with windows explorer.

I have about 500 directories with very
long names and only want to input part
of the directory name into the table
that the form uses.

directory name examples:

The first part of the dirctory name is always the same:

I just want to enter the next seven characters in my table
into a filed called "directory". Example:

The rest of the directory name ideally can be represented by a
wildcard "*'. If this isn't possible, I can enter the whole
directory name into the table.

Therefore, when I open my form, select a record, then hit
the macro buttom, it will open windows explorer based on
the value stored in my "directory" field.

Thank you for your help.

Allen Browne

You can open the Windows Explorer with FollowHyperlink and a string that
represents the folder name, e.g.:
FollowHyperlink "c:\data\MK-0001_machine_tool_programs\"

You can concatenate parts of that string together, e.g.:
Const strcTopPath = "c:\data\"
FollowHyperlink strcTopPath & "MK-0001_machine_tool_programs\"

You can use Dir() with a wildcard to get the first matching directory name,
Const strcTopPath = "c:\data\"
Dim strFolder As String
strFolder = Dir$(strcTopPath & [SomeField] & "*", vbDirectory)
If strFolder <> vbNullString Then
FollowHyperlink strcTopPath & strFolder
End If

An alternative to FollowHyperlink is to shell the Windows Explorer.
This also lets you use its command line switches, e.g.:
Call Shell (Environ("windir") & "\explorer.exe /e, /select, """ & _
strcTopPath & strFolder & """", vbNormalFocus)


Thank you Allen, I will give it a try and let you know how I make out.

Allen said:
You can open the Windows Explorer with FollowHyperlink and a string that
represents the folder name, e.g.:
FollowHyperlink "c:\data\MK-0001_machine_tool_programs\"

You can concatenate parts of that string together, e.g.:
Const strcTopPath = "c:\data\"
FollowHyperlink strcTopPath & "MK-0001_machine_tool_programs\"

You can use Dir() with a wildcard to get the first matching directory name,
Const strcTopPath = "c:\data\"
Dim strFolder As String
strFolder = Dir$(strcTopPath & [SomeField] & "*", vbDirectory)
If strFolder <> vbNullString Then
FollowHyperlink strcTopPath & strFolder
End If

An alternative to FollowHyperlink is to shell the Windows Explorer.
This also lets you use its command line switches, e.g.:
Call Shell (Environ("windir") & "\explorer.exe /e, /select, """ & _
strcTopPath & strFolder & """", vbNormalFocus)

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Antonio-F100 said:

I need help creating the code for a macro
button on a form that will open a file
directory with windows explorer.

I have about 500 directories with very
long names and only want to input part
of the directory name into the table
that the form uses.

directory name examples:

The first part of the dirctory name is always the same:

I just want to enter the next seven characters in my table
into a filed called "directory". Example:

The rest of the directory name ideally can be represented by a
wildcard "*'. If this isn't possible, I can enter the whole
directory name into the table.

Therefore, when I open my form, select a record, then hit
the macro buttom, it will open windows explorer based on
the value stored in my "directory" field.

Thank you for your help.

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