need help....XP just shut down on me



A shut down problem is when I try to do some graphic works or play games(sim
city 4, etc.). all the sudden the XP just shut down the computer. the only
way I can get the computer back on is to physically pull the plug and put it
in again. I have XP perfessional, 512MB RAM, Radeon 64MB Video card. the
latest video card driver has been installed. I thought I ran out of RAM, but
when I disable all embeded program(using MSCONFIG), the problem is still
there. what should I do?

Thanks in advance.


You should check to see if it is not the Bios shutting you down because the
CPU is overheating.
The next time it happens reboot and enter your BIOS to check the
temperatures of your system.
You could download motherboard monitor and set it to monitor your temps.

You can also bring up taskmanager and click the performance tab while doing
graphics work to check the CPU usage.

Both Items you mention are graphics intensive so you could try swapping out
for a better graphics card(friend) to see if that is the problem.


I have checked it. there are two temperature options, 85C and 95C. the
setting has been on 95. I thought about the heat problem too. funny thing is
when the computer shut down, I unplug the power supply and plug it in again
adn the computer just turn on right away. if it is the heat problem,
shouldn't it take sometime to cool down?

right after it happens, I check the temperature. the cpu temp is around 74C.

p.s. CPU is AMD XP1600. I also have a case fan.


christ..........74 Celsius is way too hot.I am suprised its still alive
As for the other temps without knowing what they record I can only hope they
are not the Internal Case temps nor the CPU Diode.
I would suggest you look into reseating the Heatsink on that CPU and redoing
the thermal paste as well as installing some fans high in the back of the
case to blow that hot air out.
When was the last time you cleaned that system out?? dust and crud builds up
and decreases the cooling.
good luck and do it soonest!!


PerterK-Thanks....will do that....

in your opinion, this isn't a power supply problem, is it? I have 300W PS, 2
hard drives, 2 internal CD drives and one external CD/DVD drive via USB port
and a card reader(usb).



Its not the 300w that you need to worry about even though that is low by
todays standards.
Its the amp's on the individual is a little website to show what
I mean
Notice as you pick the parts of your system that the various lines get
filled in with the required amps and the total watts at the end.Now when you
get to the end you will see the total amp's required on each line plus the
total wattage.
Now compare those numbers to your PSU............???
I have a Seasonic Super Silencer 400 in one Machine and an Enermax
CoolerGiant 435 in the game machine.
The Enermax runs an Asus mobo with a Barton 2500 chip OC 200x11 with 3
HD,2DVD burners,a TV card as well as Radeon Card 5 fans and the CPU
heatsink/fan.At full load I am running a CPU Temp of 44,Diode of 54 with a
case temp of 20...all in celsius.The seasonic runs an EPOX mobo with a 1400
tbird also OC with 2 HD,1 CDR/RW,1DVD R/RW a 8500 Radeon and 3 fans
games ...quieter machine.
In a PSU Quality is what you pay for...a cheapie will need to be replaced
sooner.If you decide to upgrade your system eventually ,you need to buy
parts that will fit future systems.


Thanks a lot for your help. it really is a heat problem. I run the system
naked( with open case) and it works well. no shut down at all. I will run to
a computer store for a fan pretty soon.

Thans again

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