Need help with major slowdown opening documents



Don said:

I have gone through the clean boot troubleshooting steps.
First off, I restored each service ( after hiding ms services ), one
at a time, then rebooting and running my machine for a minimum of 30
minutes. Each time, I was able to launch my office documents by double
clicking, and they open pretty much instantly.

Once services were restored, I started adding back in startup
programs. I did google each one, and only added back in ones that I
felt I really needed, again, after each one, I would run the machine
for a min of 30 minutes to insure the issue had not returned.

Once I got my essential startup programs going, and the machine still
running as it should , I put a checkmark in " process system.ini",
then rebooted. Still, issue had not returned. I then put the checkmark
back in " process win.ini", and so far, the machine has been running
about an hour, and still the issue has not returned. Office documents
are opening rapidly as they should!

Ok so, that leaves the question, what was causing this? I suspect it
was in a startup program that I did not restore in msconfig, and the
one I believe
it was is " dllml.exe". The reason I believe this was probably the
cause, is prior to my performing the clean boot troubleshooting, I had
a running process " dllml". This is a process related to , my Creative
XFi soundcard. Before clean boot troubleshooting, this process was
using a large amount of memory shown in task manager, app 44,000K, and
my cpu at idle with only my desktop showing, would hover around 4-5%
useage, and page file useage was close to 300 mb.
After removing dllml.exe from the startup in msconfig, it still shows
the dllml process as running, but now, this process only shows 6608k
memory useage, and my cpu at idle with just desktop displayed, is 0%.
And my page file useage has dropped down to app 220 mb.

I guess to be sure, I could return the dllml.exe to the startup in
msconfig, but, I am very pleased things are working as they should
right now, and after googling the dllml.exe, it doesn't sound like it
is essential I have this load in startup under msconfig. There were
some other nonessential files as well that I did not return, namely
related to the XFi soundcard, that it could have been as well. Come to
think of it, this problem seemed to rear it's ugly head, shortly after
I purchased and installed this soundcard.

Anyways, my system seems to be performing very well now, as it should,
so I think I should leave well enough alone.

Malke, many thanks for your help on this, I had been pulling my hair
out, and while this process of clean boot troubleshooting was time
consuming, it was well worth it!! I guess time will tell for sure, but
the issue appears to be gone.

Glad to hear you got it sorted. Thanks for posting the solution.


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