Need help with Login using SSL



Hi all. What I'm wondering how to implement the following scenario:

I have the main page for my site with login and password fields. I want to
be able to do some processing of the login in an SSL environment, h owever I
don't want the user to have to be on an https: page to do it.

So basically they come to my index.aspx and log in from this page without
having to go to a page.

How do I implement this?

Thanks for your help in advance


Confused here! You need HTTPS in order to use SSL. You can do a redirect from
HTTP to HTTPS and redirect them back to HTTP however the user will have to
click many warnings and the password will still be sent in plain text.

But let me know if you get it working, should be pretty interesting.



When you "post" to an https site - the FIRST thing it does, is secure the
connection, then your form elements get passed along. So it is valid to have
a username/password field on a http site - so long as it posts directly to
an https site.


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