Need help with form size

  • Thread starter \John Dunber via\
  • Start date

\John Dunber via\

Hello all,

I'm having problems with my form resizing. At times it is the correct size,
and at times it maximizes and looks bad. Does Auto-Resize not correct this
problem? I always turn on Auto-Resize and never have this problem, but in
the development process of my program, Auto-Resize is turned off by the
"powers that be" and I catch flak about the maximized form.

Is there a way to programmatically keep a form from maximizing?

Any help would be appreciated.

John Dunber

Senior Marketing Analyst
Chicago, Illinois

Ken Snell [MVP]

AutoResize works only when the form is not maximized. You can put code in
the form's Load event to Restore the form if you'd like:

Private Form_Load()
End Sub

This will make the form be in the Restored mode when it opens.

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