Need help with docking



I have a panel docked to the left of the page and one docked to the bottom.
The bottom panel is the entire length of the form and the left panel starts
above it. I want the left panel to be the entire height of the window and
have the bottom panel start to the right of that. What do I have to do to
accomplish this? Thank you.

Stoitcho Goutsev \(100\)

The order the panels are layouted depends on the Z-order of the controls
(the index in the Controls collection). If you end up with that
configuration that means you have added the bottom panel first. If you had
added the left panel first you would've gotten the configuration you want.

To change the z-order VS have a very poor tool. Click on the panel and in
the context menu there is 2 options - Send To Back and Bring To Front. I
hopped that they will do something on this for VS2005, but if they did they
hid it pretty well.

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