Need help with adding button to a datagrid dynamically



Hello, I have a need to add a button column to a datagtrid, below is my code
and although it does not produce an error, it also does not work, any help?
I'm hoping that I can capture the button click in the datagrid itemcommand
event but figure having the button show first would be a good thing. I can
get a hyperlink column to show with no problem but it causes the page to
refresh which is what I'm trying to avoid.

Thanks for any help.


Public Sub LoadAddresses()

'Set up the DataTable

Dim oadd As Sterling_by.customermanagerLLBL.clsAddress

Dim NewRow As System.Data.DataRow = m_datatable.NewRow()

m_datatable = New DataTable("TableName")

m_datatable.Columns.Add(New System.Data.DataColumn("Address ID"))

m_datatable.Columns.Add(New System.Data.DataColumn("Street"))

m_datatable.Columns.Add(New System.Data.DataColumn("City"))

m_datatable.Columns.Add(New System.Data.DataColumn("State"))

m_datatable.Columns.Add(New System.Data.DataColumn("Zipcode"))

For Each oadd In oIndiv.oAddresses

AddAddressRow(oadd.AddressId.ToString, oadd.Street.ToString,
oadd.City.ToString, oadd.State.ToString, oadd.ZipCode.ToString)


'Set up the datagrid control

dbgIndividualAddresses.DataSource = m_datatable


End Sub

Private Sub AddAddressRow(ByVal sCol0 As String, ByVal sCol1 As String,
ByVal sCol2 As String, ByVal scol3 As String, ByVal sCol4 As String)

Dim NewRow As System.Data.DataRow = m_datatable.NewRow()

' this one doesn't work, nothing shows up

NewRow(0) = "<asp:button id=" + Chr(34) + "btn" + sCol0 + Chr(34) + "
runat=" + Chr(34) + "server " + Chr(34) + "cssclass=" + Chr(34) + "button" +
Chr(34) + " text=" + Chr(34) + "Edit" + Chr(34) + "></asp:button>"

' This row works okay but causes a reload of the data when clicked which is
what I'm trying to get around.

'NewRow(0) ="<a href=individualinfo.aspx?addressid=" + sCol0 + ">Edit</a>"

NewRow(1) = sCol1

NewRow(2) = sCol2

NewRow(3) = scol3

NewRow(4) = sCol4


End Sub

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