Need help troubleshooting stop errors



Got the following error:

0x000000c2 (0x00000007, 0x00000CD4, 0x30003400, 0xE177DA81

On reboot I got this error:

0x00000023 (0x000e00e0, 0xf89e07cc, 0xf89e04cc, 0xf4fdb9bc)

it references fastfat.sys

I'm having a terrible time trying to troubleshoot these errors. Can anybody
give me a hand?


Thanks, but that's an exact copy and paste from the MS knowledge base. I
still don't understand anything it's saying.


The preceding text indicates that the driver is used by a third-party
software package. This driver is most likely the cause of the error. To
further investigate this issue, search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for more
information. Also, check the file properties with Windows Explorer or by
using a Hex editor on the file itself. You can also check the third-party
vendor's Web site for any updates or known issues.

For more information about how to download, install, and use Microsoft
Debugging Tools, browse to the following Microsoft Web site:

Microsoft Debugging Tools


I'm sorry, which driver is it? I've downloaded the Debugging Tools but they
are useless to me...I can't make heads or tails of it.


Ok I was playing around a bit and I was able to follow the instructions
provided in the Microsoft KB...but I'm still having difficulty making sense
of the results. According to the KB, it should list the filename of the
driver that released the memory just before the crash...but it doesn't give
me any filename. I can paste the output of the debug if that helps.

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