Need help to copy a shortcut


Don J

How do you use "COPY" or "XCOPY" to copy a shortcut? I need to do it from a
batch file.

Don J


Miss Perspicacia Tick

Don said:
How do you use "COPY" or "XCOPY" to copy a shortcut? I need to do it
from a batch file.

Don J


Go find the replies from the first time you posted this (and the second, and
the third...). It's the height of bad manners to repost when people have
gone to the trouble of answering you...


Don said:
How do you use "COPY" or "XCOPY" to copy a shortcut? I need to do it
from a batch file.

Look at the answers you got in your post on the other newsgroup. Don't
multipost; crosspost judiciously only if you must. Here's a link to
explain that:

When I last looked at your post, you had gotten two responses, but they
might not have been satisfactory because you didn't provide enough
information about exactly what you want to do. Here are some links to
help you make good newsgroup posts:

I don't have an answer for you (or I would have given it to you) because
it is unclear what you are trying to do and why. But please post to the
thread you started in the other newsgroup.



How many times must you be told? Rude is telling someone to RTFM. YOU are
the epitome of classless behavior.

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