need help restoring a file...



i currently had a virus in my computer..well, several
actually. one virus was in the following file name....
c:/windows/system32/bridge.dll and the virus could not
be cured. i deleted the file accidentally, and cannot
get it restored. please help me restore this file, for
it seems to be pretty important. thank you for your time.

Jone Doe

bridge.dll is a piece of spyware. Why would you want it back? Downloading
and running Hijack this should be able to help you.

Frank GoBell

i currently had a virus in my computer..well, several
actually. one virus was in the following file name....
c:/windows/system32/bridge.dll and the virus could not
be cured. i deleted the file accidentally, and cannot
get it restored. please help me restore this file, for
it seems to be pretty important. thank you for your time.

The file isn't important - it's part of a spyware package. Go to, download the free version,
install it, run the updates, then run the program. It should remove the

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