need help removing an include page--



Some months ago I decided to do an include page instead of shared borders
(this was in search of more compatibility with non-Frontpage web programs).
Now I'd like to removed the include (which includes a banner and a
navigation system) from the 150 page site. Turns out this is harder than it
ought to be. You can't simply search and replace (even in FP2003) because
the include line that shows up in FP
(<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="../toptitle.htm" TAG="BODY" -->)
doesn't REALLY exist on the pages, as what the include does is replace it in
the pages with the content of the include (in this case the content of the
file toptitle.htm).

Can some guru 'splain to me how to get rid of the whole enchilada? Would
much appreciate.


Stefan B Rusynko

Start by opening your Include page: new_page_2.htm
and deleting all content inside of the BODY tags in Html view and save the page
- your source should look like: <body>&nbsp;</body>

Then open a page w/ the Include and File Preview in Browser to see the exact webbot code using View Source - should be something
<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="new_page_2.htm" TAG="BODY" startspan -->&nbsp;<!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="5250"
endspan -->

Then in FP w/ all pages closed, Search in All pages - Find in Source for:
<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="new_page_2.htm" TAG="BODY" startspan -->&nbsp;<!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="5250"
endspan -->
And replace with nothing in all pages

| Some months ago I decided to do an include page instead of shared borders
| (this was in search of more compatibility with non-Frontpage web programs).
| Now I'd like to removed the include (which includes a banner and a
| navigation system) from the 150 page site. Turns out this is harder than it
| ought to be. You can't simply search and replace (even in FP2003) because
| the include line that shows up in FP
| (<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="../toptitle.htm" TAG="BODY" -->)
| doesn't REALLY exist on the pages, as what the include does is replace it in
| the pages with the content of the include (in this case the content of the
| file toptitle.htm).
| Can some guru 'splain to me how to get rid of the whole enchilada? Would
| much appreciate.
| Silo


this seems to work brilliantly. thanks very much.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Start by opening your Include page: new_page_2.htm
and deleting all content inside of the BODY tags in Html view and save the page
- your source should look like: <body>&nbsp;</body>

Then open a page w/ the Include and File Preview in Browser to see the
exact webbot code using View Source - should be something
<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="new_page_2.htm" TAG="BODY"
startspan -->&nbsp;<!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="5250"
endspan -->

Then in FP w/ all pages closed, Search in All pages - Find in Source for:
<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="new_page_2.htm" TAG="BODY"
startspan -->&nbsp;<!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="5250"

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