Need help creating a Master Query



Thank you in advance for your assistance!

I need to combine multiple queries into one master query so that I may run a
report on a weekly basis. One can supposedly enter queries like tables to
create this, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to actually make it happen.

Any insight that could be provided on a somewhat more basic level (I am
relatively new to the program) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Can I make one suggestion (it's what I do). Do it backwards.
Work out what you want the report to show and then design the query to run
the report.

So - write down a written copy of what you want the report to look like.
Header - footer - details - calculations - sorting etc.

Then design the query that will complete this. Even then - do it backwards.

Don't worry about calculations - just get the basic data into the query
(this will go into the details section of the report) after this work out if
it would be simpler to do calculated results in the query or the report on


Thanks again for your help, Wayne. I know what I need in the end - a table of
percentages. I have three major data categories (Poor Performance rating,
Location, and Seniority) that are dependent upon sorting the Employees into
three different sections (Dismissed, Retained, and Reallocated) which also
have subsections. For each of the sections/subsections, I must calculate the
percentage based upon the main data categories (Horizontal headings are
Dismissed, Retained, and Reallocated; Vertical Headings are Performance
Rating, Location, and Seniority). For example, I need to calculate the
percentage of how many people who were dismissed had a poor performance
rating, how may retained had a poor performance rating, and how many people
who were reallocated had a poor performance rating. The rest of the table
must include percentages for all of the other categories calculated in the
same way.

I guess my problem is I do not know how to structure such a large query with
so many factors. I've been wondering if using parameters would be good, and
if query by form would be a good option. To put all of these separate queries
together into one, do I just use the appropriate terms to join them?

Thanks again for your patience and valuable assistance.


This is one of the draw backs of being the "access person" within a company
or organisation.

The prduction of reports is bascially what access is all about - OK you have
forms for displaying data and inputting and access will do lots of other
"stuff" but when alls said and done people need to "see" data presented in a
way that makes sence to them. This is where reports come in.

I can't design your report for you nor can anyone else on this forum (well
yes they could - lots of peopl could but they can't do it here).

You need to work out what data needs manipulating so that it will display in
a way that shows peple what they need to see and when they need to see it.
It could be a form that displays certain "stuff" or a popup reprt or a
printed report - which can be any thing from a multi page company accounts to
a 2inch cash reciept.

For your report I would suggest getting the data into one query 1st (thats
the details section of the report and then worry about the calculations).
You may need to "feed" your query with totals queries and subqueries. It may
look dounting at fisrt but if you break it down then it will lok better.
1 st work out wha need to go into the detail seciton of the report. Build a
simply query and see why it will "not" work. What do you need to do to get
it to work. eg. You may need a totals query to run 1st then put the results
nto your report base query, etc, etc.

Next when the details are there get the other "bits".


Thanks much, Wayne. Wish me luck!

Wayne-I-M said:
This is one of the draw backs of being the "access person" within a company
or organisation.

The prduction of reports is bascially what access is all about - OK you have
forms for displaying data and inputting and access will do lots of other
"stuff" but when alls said and done people need to "see" data presented in a
way that makes sence to them. This is where reports come in.

I can't design your report for you nor can anyone else on this forum (well
yes they could - lots of peopl could but they can't do it here).

You need to work out what data needs manipulating so that it will display in
a way that shows peple what they need to see and when they need to see it.
It could be a form that displays certain "stuff" or a popup reprt or a
printed report - which can be any thing from a multi page company accounts to
a 2inch cash reciept.

For your report I would suggest getting the data into one query 1st (thats
the details section of the report and then worry about the calculations).
You may need to "feed" your query with totals queries and subqueries. It may
look dounting at fisrt but if you break it down then it will lok better.
1 st work out wha need to go into the detail seciton of the report. Build a
simply query and see why it will "not" work. What do you need to do to get
it to work. eg. You may need a totals query to run 1st then put the results
nto your report base query, etc, etc.

Next when the details are there get the other "bits".

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