Need Help -- Baseball stats in excel only has 23 pages--Need to addmore pages...


GE Cathey

Need Help -- Baseball stats in excel only has 23 pages--Need to add more
pages...and have the "summary function" work on all pages.

Someone I don't know, set this spreadsheet up and it keeps game by game
info such as batting averages and slugging averages and it keeps same
info as a "season summary". I added the extra pages I needed but
unfortunately, the season summary doesn't take account of any info past
page 23.

Any ideas?

George Cathey

Don't go to this link unless you want to see some sports illustrations
(other stuff too)


The formulas on the summary page are probably pointed to specific cells on
the original 23 feeder sheets. The formulas could be in this kind of a


which is excel's way of indicating that the SUM function, in this case, is
adding the data in cell A9 on all sheets between Sheet1 and Sheet23,
inclusive. It looks at the order of the sheets to figure out which ones are
"between" the two listed. So you'd have to change the endpoints to include
all your new sheets. I think if you change all those references to your new
"last" sheet it will catch all your new data.

But this is assuming the formulas are set up like that. And you'd need to
set up your new sheets in the exact same format as the others.


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