Need Function Help



I am developing a workbook to track mileage of company vehicle. First
worksheet of book has customer's last name, first name, street address, city,
and zip in columns A through E. Each additional worksheet is for one month of
the year with date, from customer last name, from customer address, to
customer last name, to customer address, odometer start, odometer end, and
total mileage in columns A through H. From and To Customers last names are
selected from a drop down list based on the first worksheet. I want the
customers corresponding address to be pulled from the first worksheet named
"Customers" and placed into the cell adjacent to their name when I select
their name from the drop down list on the monthly worksheet. I'm going in
circles trying to figure this out as I am new to Excel but it seems to me
that there has got to be a way to do it. Please, any suggestions or help
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


You will have to use vlookup for this.
Use this formula on your each month's worksheet


Enter this formula in cell B2 on your first month where you want the
address. I am assuming that you have cust last name in cell A2 onwards. You
can change the range from A22 to whatever you have.

Hope this helps!!


Assuming you have a header row in both worksheets, and your first
worksheet contains data to row 100, try this in B2 of the second


If you want the full address then you will need to string three of
these together:

=VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A$2:E$100,3,0)&", "&VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A$2:E
$100,4,0)&", "&VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1!A$2:E$100,4,0)

You can then copy the formula down the column.

You would have the same formula for the to customer address, although
the first parameter would be C2 instead of A2.

Hope this helps.



Thanks Pranav! Appreciate it greatly.
Pranav Vaidya said:
You will have to use vlookup for this.
Use this formula on your each month's worksheet


Enter this formula in cell B2 on your first month where you want the
address. I am assuming that you have cust last name in cell A2 onwards. You
can change the range from A22 to whatever you have.

Hope this helps!!
Pranav Vaidya
VBA Developer
PN, MH-India
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