Need Formula or Function to calculate Margin (reverse of Percent a



I need function to calculate the reverse of adding percent margin to a number
(e.g. product price).

For example, I have a number 100, and I want to identify the number that
will result in 100 after 40% deduction (discount).
I am looking for a formula or function in excel that will result in 166.67.
Note that 166.67 - (166.67 * 40%) will result in my original number of 100.
Some business calculator has this function (label as MU for Citizen
calculator). Anyone knows how does Excel handles this, or know of a formula
that can handle this.

Another example is: The formula that will return 250 after input of 100 and
60% discount. That is 250 - (250 * 60%).

Note that in my 2 example, the inputs are 100 and 40% with result of 166.67,
and 100 and 60% with result of 250.

Thanks a lot..

Harlan Grove

Ken said:
I am looking for a formula or function in excel that will result in 166.67.
Note that 166.67 - (166.67 * 40%) will result in my original number of 100.

Just a little algebra is all that's needed.

166.67 - (166.67 * 40%) = 166.67 * (1 - 0.40) = 100


100 / (1 - 0.40) = 166.67

So if you enter 100 as P and 40% as d, the formula to get 166.67 is P/(1-d).

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