need formula: # entered in column B will transfer to column D



i want to enter a # in one column, then need that number to appear in
another. ie: Column B & D are the same i enter 55 in B and 55 will appear in
D. I cant seem to find the formula. Also need the entire column from row 6
to 250. Thanks for any suggestions,

Ron Rosenfeld

i want to enter a # in one column, then need that number to appear in
another. ie: Column B & D are the same i enter 55 in B and 55 will appear in
D. I cant seem to find the formula. Also need the entire column from row 6
to 250. Thanks for any suggestions,

D6: =B6
fill down to D250


Put this in D6:


then copy down to D250. The cells in column D will mirror what is in
column B.

Hope this helps.


Ron Rosenfeld

i want to enter a # in one column, then need that number to appear in
another. ie: Column B & D are the same i enter 55 in B and 55 will appear in
D. I cant seem to find the formula. Also need the entire column from row 6
to 250. Thanks for any suggestions,

Actually, that should be

D6: =IF(B6="","",B6)

or else you'll see zeros where there are blanks in col B


i tried that kept getting message formula error. what I need is acutally the
numbers i enter in column L to repeat into coloum R; then Column S to repeat
to column V, each row from 6 to 250


Where in column L are you entering the number? L1, L10000, L1000000? or are
you entering different numbers in all the cells L6:L250?

When you say repeat do you mean that the number you type in in one cell
should appear in all the cells or maybe the one adjacent to it, or ....?

For example if you want the entry in R6 to equal the entry in L6 then
=L6 if you don't mind seeing 0's when L6 is empty.
=IF(L6,L6,"") if column L's data is only numbers or blanks
=IF(L6="","",L6) for any data type
and copy this down to R250.

If you want the entry in R6:R250 to equal what you enter in L6 then
and copy this down to R250. Same comments as above.

Identical idea for columns S and V.

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