Need architectural advice...


Bobby Edward

I have a large APS.NET website with 3 tiers (BLL, DAL, UI).

The client now wants a 2nd website that is 80% similar to the first.

I would prefer to maintain "common code" in 1 place and avoid redudancy. Do
you have any suggestions as to how to approach this new website?

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Not sure why my other answer is not appearing for me, but I will state again
in shorthand.

Refactor the dupes into core libraries that are used across both projects.
Do thsi as you find them. Hopefully you have unit tests around all of your
functionality, so you can make sure the refactor does not cause issues and
you should be under source control.

The other option is to branch code, but you still end up with two code
bases, which is not good. You can merge later, if that is the direction, but
refactoring to common libs is better.

Gregory A. Beamer


| Think outside the box |


80% of the BLL is the same?
or 80% of the webpages are the same?


While alot of people say " I have a true BLL ", alot of times things have
been coded into the presentation layer that doesn't belong there.
My general rule of thumb "If I had to make a winforms application of this
same product...would I have to duplicate that code in the winforms
presentation layer?"
So push everything you can DOWN to the BLL.

I would recommend a used copy of this book:

Its 1.1. You don't want it for the code samples.
You want it for the discussion for the mindset of how to develop intermal

Bobby Edward

Both. :)

sloan said:
80% of the BLL is the same?
or 80% of the webpages are the same?


While alot of people say " I have a true BLL ", alot of times things have
been coded into the presentation layer that doesn't belong there.
My general rule of thumb "If I had to make a winforms application of this
same product...would I have to duplicate that code in the winforms
presentation layer?"
So push everything you can DOWN to the BLL.

I would recommend a used copy of this book:

Its 1.1. You don't want it for the code samples.
You want it for the discussion for the mindset of how to develop intermal

Bobby Edward

Thanks. I'm not sure what refactoring is but I will research it. Thanks

Alexey Smirnov

I have a large APS.NET website with 3 tiers (BLL, DAL, UI).

The client now wants a 2nd website that is 80% similar to the first.

I would prefer to maintain "common code" in 1 place and avoid redudancy.  Do
you have any suggestions as to how to approach this new website?

I think, it would depend on how the second project would go. Say, you
would need to add a function to the second project which does not
exist, or overcomplicate the first one. I would prefer to maintain
"common code" too.

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