Need advice on handling security


Bill Gower

I am validating the users of my web app against a user database in SQL
Server. I then store the user object in a session variable and pass it
around to the various forms. I have a field in the user object called Role
that either holds the value "BusinessAgent" or "Administrator". The role
type determines what forms the user can access and certain privileges in
forms. I have menus on a master page but I don't want to hide menu items
depending on the role type. I would like to in the page load of each form,
look at the role type and determine whether they have permission to the form
otherwise alert them to the fact that the form is for administrators only.
What is the best way to do this?


Alexey Smirnov

I am validating the users of my web app against a user database in SQL
Server. I then store the user object in a session variable and pass it
around to the various forms. I have a field in the user object called Role
that either holds the value "BusinessAgent" or "Administrator". The role
type determines what forms the user can access and certain privileges in
forms. I have menus on a master page but I don't want to hide menu items
depending on the role type. I would like to in the page load of each form,
look at the role type and determine whether they have permission to the form
otherwise alert them to the fact that the form is for administrators only.
What is the best way to do this?

Hi Bill

you can check it in the code-behind

If Not User.IsInRole("Administrator") Then
Response.Write("Only administrators can see this form")
End If

you can set permissions in web.config

<location path="admin.aspx">
<allow roles="Administrator" />
<deny users="*" />

Hope this helps

Alexey Smirnov

Hi Bill

you can check it in the code-behind

If Not User.IsInRole("Administrator") Then
Response.Write("Only administrators can see this form")
End If

you can set permissions in web.config

<location path="admin.aspx">
<allow roles="Administrator" />
<deny users="*" />

Hope this helps

P.S. I assume that you created a FormsAuthenticationTicket with roles
and assigned it the user

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