Need access to all folders from both sides of dual boot



I have triple boot 2 x XP Pro and Vista Ultimate. I have little problem
accessing folders in any drive from XP but the way around is often extremely
difficult. I've disabled UAC but it makes no difference.
What makes matters worse is if I give myself permission from Vista to look
at an XP folder, then I have to go through the whole permission thing again
when I return to XP.
Is there any way of setting permissions for both that actually works?
If so, how...thanks!

Toronto, Canada
XP Pro SP2 x 2 + Vista Ultimate fully updated
P4 D865GBFL HT @ 3.0ghz 2.0gb DDR 700gb HD
ATI Radeon 9550 Graphics
Creative Soundblaster Audigy 4 Audio


I think if you grant "Everyone" full control it should work. "Everyone" has a
standard SID, whereas the SIDs of the same-named user under XP and Vista will

To do this you may have to first turn off Simple File Sharing.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a go.

Toronto, Canada
XP Pro SP2 x 2 + Vista Ultimate fully updated
P4 D865GBFL HT @ 3.0ghz 2.0gb DDR 700gb HD
ATI Radeon 9550 Graphics
Creative Soundblaster Audigy 4 Audio

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