Need a total count for various numbers in a column



I am working on a spread sheet that I built from a survey. In one of the
columns I have various numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) to define the answers to a
questions. There are approximately 75 responses.Example: 1 = don't know right
now, 2= have a clue, 3= still learning, etc.
How can I write the formula that will say I have 20 responses for 1, 15
responses for 2, etc. per column?


Suppose your various numbers are in column C (Row 1 for headings)
Then in C77 enter =COUNTIF(C2:C75,1)&" responses for 1"&COUNTIF(C2:C75,2)&"
responses for 2" etc. Copy across to other columns.


Hi Patsy,
Let's say your information is in column A , in first row of every column
enter the numbers 1 (Column B), 2 (Column C), etx
Then in the row below in column B enter

if you are not using excel 2007 use


copy the formula given above to the other columns

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