Need a Script to enter in username & password


Paul Dallaire

HI! I just need a script so that when I enter into a page on my password
protected site that the username & Password get entered in for me and
executed. ( meaning the enter button is pressed for me sort of like ).

There used to be a way of doing that before like this example below..

http://username:[email protected]/private/index.htm

but this no longer works now, is there another way of using a script to do

PLEASE NOTE: I am aware of a way with IE to do something like this by saving
it in the password history and also with Norton password manager but I
specifically need it done this way with a script. I posted a similar post
before but I feel that it was mis-understood so I am reposting this in a
different way.

(e-mail address removed)

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Paul said:
HI! I just need a script so that when I enter into a page on my password
protected site that the username & Password get entered in for me and
executed. ( meaning the enter button is pressed for me sort of like ).

There used to be a way of doing that before like this example below..

http://username:[email protected]/private/index.htm

but this no longer works now, is there another way of using a script to do


If you have control of the source of the Web page, see e.g. the section
"Workarounds for application and Web site developers" in the link below.

If you only need to fix this issue for your own computer (or other computers
you have control over), you can disable the new default behavior for
handling user information in HTTP or HTTPS URLs with a registry edit,
see "How to disable the new behavior or to use it in other programs"
in the link below.

A security update is available that modifies the default behavior of
Internet Explorer for handling user information in HTTP and in HTTPS URLs

MD Websunlimited

Hi Paul,

If the UserID and password are on the address line it would not be secure.

Consider using a cookie that would could be passed in and if present it would submit to login authentication.

Paul Dallaire

Thanks, for the reply guys, I will investigate into it and return if I have
further questions.

This newsgroup is great, fast and always informative. :)

bye for now..

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