Need a little Macro Help

Feb 15, 2007
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Before I get flamed, I have to say that i'm using Access 2000 at work. At home its easy since Access 2003 has commands that Access 2000 doesn't have. This doesn't help me at work since it isn't compatible.

Basically what I'm trying to do is compare durations from two different systems and print out a report. Below is what I'm trying to do. My biggest problem is that I have to calculate a duration in the Call Type. In the Call Type field is the words Sign On and Sign Off need to be filtered and put into two different tables. The duration is the difference between these. This duration has to be compared to the eWFM duration for the final report. My problem is that Access 2000 isn't letting me make tables from Query or Macro results. There is no MakeTable option under macros.... so how do I do this? I can use the MakeTable as a Query instead of a macro, but I don't know how to filter results and then do the make table using the Query. All I get is the exact same database in the new table. Only the results are sorted on the Call Type in alphabetical order.

My current field names are this: (in the one data dump)

IDAspect IDNameDateEnd TimeCall TypeDescription

What I feel needs to be done.

1- Import SignOn/Off report into Access Table

2- Import Superstate report from eWfm into Access Table

3- Create relationships to EMP_SHORT_NAME and Name and NOM_DATE to Date since these are the only two variables that match

Create query or Macro to Separate SignOn/Off into 2 separate tables

After SignOn/Off is in 2 separate tables, make a query or macro that makes a 3rd table that shows:

Supervisor Employee ID Name Description eWfm Duration SignOn/Off Duration Difference

The Macro or Query has to sum the total between SignOn and SignOff

Make a report out of the results of this table with sum totals. Call this report Schedule vs Actual
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