NameValueCollection's GetValues does not return multiple entries


Vagif Abilov

When I use AppSettings and try to retrieve multiple values associated with a
single key, I only get the last value. E.g. if I have in my config

<add key="Key" value="Value1" />
<add key="Key" value="Value2" />

then attempt to read both values by using AppSettings.GetValues("Key") gives
only "Value2".

This is not what's written in .NET Framework documentation which says:

"NameValueCollection collection is based on the NameObjectCollectionBase
class. However, unlike the NameObjectCollectionBase, this class stores
multiple string values under a single key."

And the whole purpose og GetValues is to retrieve multiple values, ulike an
indexer that only returns a single value. It does return a string array, but
only with a single value.

What can be wrong?

Vagif Abilov

vagif @

Matt Berther

Hello Vagif,

A key is supposed to be unique. I think what you are after is this:

<add key="Key" value="Value1,Value2" />

The NameValueCollection returns a string array based on a string split on

Vagif Abilov

The strange thing is that if I use your format: <add key="Key"
value="Value1,Value2" />
then GetValues() returns an array that contains only the first value

I also don't think it should work that way. NameValueCollection.Add() method
(unlike Set) _adds_ another value to an existing key if it already exists,
so why they implemented it differently in AppSettingReader?


Matt Berther

Hello Vagif,

Can you post a small example project that demonstrates the problem you are

Vagif Abilov

Yes sure. Actually it's just to paste the following code in a simple
console-based application:

class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] values;
values =
foreach(string s in values)

values =
foreach(string s in values)

And then create config file with the following contents:

<add key="Key1" value="Value1,Value2" />
<add key="Key2" value="Value1" />
<add key="Key2" value="Value2" />

For key1 I am getting an array with a single string "Value1,Value2", for
key2 it contains a single string "Value2". And according to the
documentation I should be able to add and retrieve multiple values per key -
this is the main difference between NameValueCollection and


Matt Berther

Hello Vagif,

I think I finally see what you mean. You are expecting Key2 to return both
values, when its only returning one.

This is probably a limitation in the NameValueSectionHandler, although you
could get around it using the syntax that you use for Key1.

Matt Berther
Yes sure. Actually it's just to paste the following code in a simple
console-based application:

class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] values;
values =
foreach(string s in values)
values =
foreach(string s in values)

And then create config file with the following contents:

<add key="Key1" value="Value1,Value2" />
<add key="Key2" value="Value1" />
<add key="Key2" value="Value2" />
For key1 I am getting an array with a single string "Value1,Value2",
for key2 it contains a single string "Value2". And according to the
documentation I should be able to add and retrieve multiple values per
key - this is the main difference between NameValueCollection and


Hello Vagif,

Can you post a small example project that demonstrates the problem
you are having?

Vagif Abilov

Actually I didn't expect that. I really mean Key1 should return an array
consisting of two strings - and it just returns one. This is what I found


Matt Berther said:
Hello Vagif,

I think I finally see what you mean. You are expecting Key2 to return both
values, when its only returning one.

This is probably a limitation in the NameValueSectionHandler, although you
could get around it using the syntax that you use for Key1.

Matt Berther
Yes sure. Actually it's just to paste the following code in a simple
console-based application:

class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] values;
values =
foreach(string s in values)
values =
foreach(string s in values)

And then create config file with the following contents:

<add key="Key1" value="Value1,Value2" />
<add key="Key2" value="Value1" />
<add key="Key2" value="Value2" />
For key1 I am getting an array with a single string "Value1,Value2",
for key2 it contains a single string "Value2". And according to the
documentation I should be able to add and retrieve multiple values per
key - this is the main difference between NameValueCollection and


Hello Vagif,

Can you post a small example project that demonstrates the problem
you are having?

Matt Berther
The strange thing is that if I use your format: <add key="Key"
value="Value1,Value2" />
then GetValues() returns an array that contains only the first value
I also don't think it should work that way.
method (unlike Set) _adds_ another value to an existing key if it
already exists, so why they implemented it differently in

Hello Vagif,

A key is supposed to be unique. I think what you are after is this:

<add key="Key" value="Value1,Value2" />

The NameValueCollection returns a string array based on a string
split on ','.

Matt Berther
When I use AppSettings and try to retrieve multiple values
associated with a single key, I only get the last value. E.g. if I
have in my config

<add key="Key" value="Value1" />
<add key="Key" value="Value2" />
then attempt to read both values by using
gives only "Value2".
This is not what's written in .NET Framework documentation which
"NameValueCollection collection is based on the
NameObjectCollectionBase class. However, unlike the
NameObjectCollectionBase, this class stores multiple string values
under a single key."

And the whole purpose og GetValues is to retrieve multiple values,
ulike an indexer that only returns a single value. It does return
a string array, but only with a single value.

What can be wrong?

Vagif Abilov

vagif @


I too am confised by the documentation.
MSDN States:

Overloads Public Overridable Function GetValues( _
ByVal name As String _
) As String()

Overloads Public Overridable Function Get( _
ByVal name As String _
) As String

It could not be more plain than that. Yet I get the same results as

It appears that either I am not entering the app.config data correctly
or that the get values function does not act as I would expect.

anyone else have any ideas how to save an array of strings in




I've been pounding on a similar issue for a couple of hours and ran into
your posts.

I was finally successfully found a reference at:

You need to scroll down a little pass constructor to get to the first
public virtual method Add(string name, string value)

I quote: "If the specified key already exists in the current instance,
the specified value is added to the existing comma-separated list of
values associated with the same key. Attempting to assign the same value
to an existing key adds a new value to that key, thus providing two (or
more) copies of the same value associated with the key."

I've put together a small sample to demonstrate:

public class Class2 {
static void Main(string[] args) {
NameValueCollection nv = new NameValueCollection();
NameValueCollection nvMulti = new NameValueCollection();

Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
nv.Add("itm " + i, r.Next(50).ToString());
// Multi Values NameValueCollection
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
nvMulti.Add("t" + i, r.Next(1000).ToString()); // add 1st value
nvMulti.Add("t" + i, r.Next(1000).ToString()); // add 2nd value
nvMulti.Add("t" + i, r.Next(1000).ToString()); // add 3rd value

for (int i = 0; i < nv.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("item[`{0}`] = {1}", nv.GetKey(i),

for (int i = 0; i < nv.Count; i++) {
System.Text.StringBuilder vals = new
for (int j = 0; j < nvMulti.GetValues(i).Length; j++) {
vals.Append(nvMulti.GetValues(i)[j] + "~");
Console.WriteLine("item[`{0}`] = {1}", nvMulti.GetKey(i), vals);
Console.WriteLine("item[`{0}`] = {1}", nvMulti.GetKey(i),
Console.WriteLine("item[`{0}`] = {1}", nvMulti.GetKey(i),

The result is quite interesting:
When adding more than one name/value pair using the same name to a
NameValueCollection, it will create the 'Array' of values (it's actually
is ArrayList).
Printing out the value using Get(i), C# prints comma separated values.
For example, 123,456,789
GetValues(i).Length will print out 3 for this sample which means 3
item in the array.

Good luck, Jeff

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