Named ranges and variables



I'd like to select a named range that can be different depending the
conditions, and
I'd like to use a variable to contain the named range but the statement
won't accept the CurRange variable.
Let's say I have two named ranges: myRange1 ( for the range a1:b1) and
myRange2 (for the named (range) single cell a7). Depending of the conditions
I wan't to set CurRange to contain either myRange1 or myRange 2 and the
program to select the right range. (I need to use named ranges as the
position of the named ranges will change during time.)
Is there any good solution?

Best regards
Mats Samson



Dim CurRange as Range
Dim i as integer

i = 1 ' or i=2 ... set your condition

Set CurRange = Worksheets("Docs").Range("MyRange" & i)



Hello Toppers!
Sorry but I can't get it to work. Even if I follow your instruction exactly
it stops
at the Set....-line with error 1004.
Again, this is how it looks:
I have two named ranges in the sheet Docs. myRange1 for cell A16 and
myRange2 for cell M20. Conditionally, I can run Sub StartOne () procedure and
set the condition CurRange = "myRange1". If I instead run the Sub StartTwo ()
procedure the condition is set to CurRange= "myRange2". Both these two
procedures will jump to Sub Goal() and depending on the CurRange variable it
will (should) select the requested cell through a statement similar to

Can you solve it, please
Best regards

Norman Jones

Hi Mats,

Perhaps something like:

Sub Tester02()
Dim CurRange As Range

' Define the 2 named ranges
With Worksheets("Docs")
.Range("A1:B1").Name = "myRange1"
.Range("A7").Name = "myRange2"
End With

If Range("D1") > 10 Then '<=== Change condition to suit!
Set CurRange = Range("myrange1")
Set CurRange = Range("myrange2")
End If

Application.Goto CurRange

End Sub


Hi Norman,
no unfortunately not. It won't work with a predefined range as it becomes
static when written in the code. Later, when you've changed position of the
range then you have to edit the code and change the range. That's why I'm
using named ranges in the code, because you can redefine a named range in
Insert/Name/Define...without changing the code.
My problem is that I want the code to change the named range to the current
position and different start- and goal- ranges are used depending on previous
conditions. By branching and narrowing/closing (I don't know the right
expression) the procedures you can shorten and (re)use the code for different
purposes or conditions.
Thanks anyway!

Norman Jones

Hi Mats,

The code portion:
' Define the 2 named ranges
With Worksheets("Docs")
.Range("A1:B1").Name = "myRange1"
.Range("A7").Name = "myRange2"
End With

Was only included for demo purposes. In your situation, two ranges would be
set elsewhere.

Simply delete this portion from the demo.

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