"\n" at the end of a TextBox line displays as a small []



I have a windows forms application with a TextBox display. I use the
following code to display a line in the TextBox:

statusTextBox.AppendText(message + "\n");

I just want the text box to insert a new line after the message, it does
insert the new line but the [] always appears in the text box.
How can I add a new line without displaying []??
Any help is appreciated.



Rad [Visual C# MVP]

I used "\r\n" instead of "\n" and it works.....

aesper said:
I have a windows forms application with a TextBox display. I use the
following code to display a line in the TextBox:

statusTextBox.AppendText(message + "\n");

I just want the text box to insert a new line after the message, it does
insert the new line but the [] always appears in the text box.
How can I add a new line without displaying []??
Any help is appreciated.



Or better yet, Environment.Newline

Raymond Yuen

Apart from the solution given by Rad, the new line character in Windows
platform contains 0x0D and 0x0A.


Rad said:
I used "\r\n" instead of "\n" and it works.....

aesper said:
I have a windows forms application with a TextBox display. I use the
following code to display a line in the TextBox:

statusTextBox.AppendText(message + "\n");

I just want the text box to insert a new line after the message, it does
insert the new line but the [] always appears in the text box.
How can I add a new line without displaying []??
Any help is appreciated.



Or better yet, Environment.Newline

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