Mystery ALT key character illudes all methods of extraction! HELP!




I am in need of help with something I have never encountered before i
Excel. At work, I have an extremely long (over 20,000+) list in excel.
The problem is that there is sporadic and unpredicatable places in th

cells that have a BLANK BOX character much like : □ . Except
it is slightly TALLER, thinner box. I can't copy and paste it here fo
you to see, becuase it won't transfer! HERE-> '
' The mysteries BOX is between the 'quotes'. Its just half line o
space and it cannot be seen.

I need to be able to COPY and paste that empty box (looks like □
expect taller and thinner and unable to replicate in Word, Excel, o
Notepad) Basically there are thousands of these annoying little thing
in the thousands of cells that I have in this one excel sheet. It woul
be MUCH more efficent use of time if I could SEARCH for the Empy Box an
replace it with Blank characters to get rid of /erase the annoyin
boxes. But I am unable to do [search/replace] that in Excel (or word o
notepad for that matter) becuase I CANNOT copy and paste the characte
into any fields, or anywhere! I have already searched on the interne
about this matter but to no avail, I have went through all of excel
related help docutments but still no use. There must be a clever way t
do this! I have tried using the MS CHaracter Map but the boxes are stil
not exactly like the one I have in excel, so I cannot use it. I hav
tried everyone of the alt key characters from 1 to 256 and none of the
match the one I have in excel,

can anyone please help!



You could try this:
Sub FindReplace()
Dim row As Integer
Dim myCell As Range
Set myCell = Application.InputBox( _
prompt:="Select a cell which has the contents you want to remove",
For row = 1 To Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Rows.Count
If Worksheets(1).Range("A" & row).Value = myCell.Value Then
Worksheets(1).Range("A" & row).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
End If
Next row
Set myCell = Nothing
End Sub

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